As a mid-20s guy, I'm obliged to tell you this list only includes episodes up until the first movie (movie review here). We all know about the drop-off afterward, but I still will watch the original episodes. This was not an easy list to make! See if your favorite episode made the list!
Honorable Mentions
CLAMS - Season 3, Episode 13B
A parody of my favorite movie, "Jaws?" I had to put it in the honorable mentions. I burst out laughing each time.

PIZZA DELIVERY - Season 1, Episode 5A
Some people's list has this #1, and that's understandable. It still makes the honorable mentions.
10. THE CAMPING EPISODE - Season 3, Episode 17B
Have thousands of people sung Spongebob's campfire song around a campfire? Am I one of them? It's yes to both. This episode is just so stupid that it's hilarious.

9. RIPPED PANTS - Season 1, Episode 2B
Another episode on this list where the song is amazing. If you don't know the Goo Lagoon Beach Band, you're not a real music fan. I still found Spongebob's

8. NEW STUDENT STARFISH - Season 3 Episode 13A
You know what's funnier than 24? 25! That joke has pretty much changed my life forever. When I turned 24 and then 25, I couldn't help but think of this episode.

7. SOMETHING SMELLS - Season 2, Episode 1A
Maybe my favorite joke in all of Spongebob comes from this episode. Because of Spongebob's bad breath, he thinks others think he's ugly. As he leans into an unsuspecting theater patron, this classic moment occurs.

6. SURVIVAL OF THE IDIOTS - Season 2, Episode 8A
This is the episode where "I'm Dirty Dan" comes from, and it's just a hilarious episode. Spongebob and Patrick disturb Sandy's hibernation and end up in a hilarious situation. Instead of don't poke the bear, it's don't poke the squirrel.

5. PICKLES - Season 1, Episode 6B
He forgot the pickles! This is just a classic episode from beginning to end. Bubble Bass is here to ruin Spongebob and almost succeeds.

4. FRANKENDOODLE - Season 2, Episode 14B
One of my best Halloween costumes was Doodlebob complete with the giant pencil. Many people took pictures with me. This episode makes me burst out laughing every time. It will always be funny to me. I can just watch this episode when I'm in a bad and it'll be better.

3. SAILOR MOUTH - Season 2, Episode 18A
As a kid and as an adult, the sailor mouth episode is great. The voice actors revealed they had trouble not saying the real slang, so they used the real words and 'dolphin-noised' it out. That original tape is buried somewhere deep in the vaults of Nickelodeon.

2. CHOCOLATE WITH NUTS - Season 3, Episode 11A
I happily showed this episode to someone for the first time, and that was great. The biggest laugh came from the "Chocolate!!!!!" guy. Hey, I know some people that act like that around chocolate.

1. BAND GEEKS - Season 2, Episode 15B
This has to be the best episode of Spongebob. As a band kid myself, this episode is absolutely gold. From Patrick kicking Sandy to the final halftime performance, every single second is hilarious and perfectly done.
