There's nothing like watching a superb comedy with good friends, so that's just what I did. Here's the result!
Tina you fat lard eat your dinner!
That's a small taste of the many righteous quotes from 2004's Napoleon Dynamite. Please enjoy them throughout. This low-budget comedy morphed from cult classic status into vast popularity across the country. Many famous comedic pictures debuted in the 2000s, and I'm here to say this may be my favorite. The odds were certainly stacked against the small-budget team so, besides one small critique, it's nearly perfect. Read here why! Spoilers may follow.
I caught you a delicious bass.

First off, Jon Heder (Napoleon) was paid a whopping sum of $1000 to do a 22-day shoot. That's just over $45 a day. Of course, Heder and director Jared Hess had no idea how prominent this film would become. Without this tandem, nobody would've seen this or ever cared. Hess is from Idaho where the film takes place, so he's allowed to make fun of his home state. He does plenty of that.
Make yourself a dang quesadilla.

Looking specifically back at Heder. What makes Napoleon such a likable and relatable character? First, he's a very average guy. I mean, just look at his mugshot. Also, he's a loner. Many people can relate to this tragically. Finding someone to look out for you can be a burden. Trusting them is another (adds to the theme mentioned later). Back on the humorous side, his body language is hilarious. He has many catchphrases, noises, and quotes that are routinely used in conversation. When my dad sighs, he's impersonating Napoleon. Another is "that's like a dollar an hour". Plus, many you spectate in this article is him too.
Gosh! Idiots!

Uncle Rico portrayed by Jon Gries is an interesting character, to say the least. All he wants is to go back to his glory days and be the big man. It lends to many entertaining occasions. Remember, this is a PG movie, but there is a moment or two where he's very creepy towards women. However, that's the point! You're supposed to be uncomfortable then. He does get his comeuppance later. The only critique involves Uncle Rico's story. We hear about his ex, Tammy, but nothing happens there until the very end.
How much you wanna bet I can throw a pigskin clear over them mountains?

Kip (Aaron Ruell) is a strange dude too. His online romance story is interesting, and I do appreciate the Rex Kwon Do sequence. Also, you notice new lines every time you rewatch a movie. Napoleon calls Uncle Rico's video the worst ever, and Kip takes it literally saying "Napoleon, nobody can ever know that."
Yesssssss. You can say things are starting to get pretty serious.
The main overall arching theme is that everybody needs someone to have their back. When Rex of Rex Kwon Do tells Kip and Napoleon that, it's not a throwaway policy. Napoleon starts out the film with no one. Neither does Deb (Tina Majorino) or Pedro (Efren Ramirez). We see Deb eating alone at lunch, and we know that Pedro is brand new to Idaho. Chance brings these three outsiders together. Now, they have each other's backs.
Vote for Pedro.

A plethora of moments is priceless. Going over all of them would be its own article, so here are a few. LIST: Shooting the cow, milk tasting test, tots, photoshoot, steak to the face, ending dance, nunchucks, happy hands club, bike jumping and so much more.
I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!
Also, the drawings are fantastically bad. Heder did all but one of them himself. Please enjoy this carousel of artistic doodles.
An interesting technical feature to mention is the introductory credits. The actor of Kip thought up using food and condiments for displaying the names. For more nerdy trivia, all of the food is eaten by somebody in the movie. Also, don't forget the unique score. Listen below.
The soundtrack for this film is actually wonderful. Songs such as "Forever Young", "Time After Time", and "The Promise" make it so. The film has a heartwarming ending with a good message, and that separates it from most comedies of today. I believe this is an excellent place to end this article with the opening lyrics to "The Promise". It sums up the film just as well as I can. My film rating is A+.
If you need a friend, don't look to a stranger You know in the end, I'll always be there But when you're in doubt, and when you're in danger Take a look all around, I'll always be there