Airplane! (1980) is a hilarious film with a unique offbeat comedic style similar to the likes of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Spaceballs. I've seen this many times now, and I find something new each time that keeps it funny and fresh.
STORY: A man who is afraid to fly is suddenly the only man available when things go awry on the airplane.

The leading man and leading lady are amusing in Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty, but the show-stealer is Leslie Nelson as Dr. Rumack. He's a humdinger. Each line he delivers is great including the classic "I just want to tell you both, good luck" with perfect comedic timing. Another of his involves someone saying "Surely you can't be serious" with his response being "I am serious, and don't call me surely." A little breaking of the fourth wall is always fun.

There are a plethora of entertaining scenes, so I'll only list a couple for time's sake. A hysterical woman is freaking out on the plane, so various people keep lining up to console her (only their consoling involves slapping and weapons). Another involves the head man on the ground talking the people through crisis who progressively brings up how he picked a bad to quit alcohol, smoking, sniffing glue... and the like, so you understand. As always, you have to watch the movie to truly appreciate it all.
The inflatable autopilot man is good for some laughs too.
