10 Things I Hate About You (1999) is a loose adaptation of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. This romantic comedy features a few would-be future all-stars with a decent script. Pack in a bunch of teenage antics, and it's a fun movie to watch. Read here now!
The Stratford sisters, Bianca and Kat, are forbidden by their father to date until the eldest does first. Local rebel teen Patrick is tasked with winning her heart so newcomer Cameron can date the younger sister.

Heath Ledger as Patrick and Julia Stiles as Kat were excellent casting choices. The late Heath Ledger (died of an accidental overdose in 2008) would go on to be an Oscar winner, and I can see glimpses here why. How many times have you seen the "bad boy" portrayed on screen? It's usually your typical brooding loner staring off into nothing performance that feels pushed. However, Ledger brings a bit more than that to this character. He obviously needs the money, but he starts to have second thoughts about the whole plan. He starts to fall for her, and he shows that he's really just a normal teenager.

Kat (Stiles) is a rebellious teen wanting to get far away from home, and she refuses to do what everyone else is doing. She portrays many characteristics of a modern woman looking to make her way in the world. I also enjoyed the performances from Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cameron and Larisa Oleynik as Bianca.

For this type of movie, the script is well above average. Many teen rom-coms have come and gone, but 10 Things I Hate About You has stuck around. It gives some memorable moments including the iconic "I Love You Baby" song performed by Ledger. For a dramatic moment, Kat reading her poem towards the end is heartwarming.

If you want a late 90s teen rom-com that is fun to watch, I think this film may be for you! My movie rating is B.