Twister (1996) is an underrated and quality motion picture. It may not have won awards, but people still watch the movie twenty three years later. For several best picture winners, the average movie goer has never heard of them before. Twister still seems to find its way onto people's screens. Spoilers may follow.

Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt provide excellent leads for the movie. They are storm chasers who are trying to introduce a new technology that can change how people study storms. The film has everything it needs to be high quality. There is the conflict with Paxtons and Hunts character with the divorce and outside conflict with the rival storm chasers. Motivation is provided from Hunt's father perishing in a storm from her childhood, and this leads to a great scene. After Hunt loses another "Dorothy" machine, her and Bill have a moment in the rain while the storm is still going on around them. The emotionality and onscreen chemistry between the two main characters always keeps it interesting. Also, it's fun to see Philip Seymour Hoffman play a bro character. Many other scenes are memorable too.

The "Cow, another cow" line is quoted all the time as well as the perfect drive-in theater scene. Everything about this part is done exactly how it should be. The tenseness is felt as everyone scrambles to safety. The money shot is the tornado coming through the drive-in screen while The Shining is playing as seen above. I remember going to Universal Studios park and riding the simulation of this part, and I loved it. Lastly for this portion, who does not think it is cool that they drove through a house? I rest my case.
