This article isn't an in-depth study but an overview on why you should consider watching:
Justified (2010-2015)
Six Seasons
Made by FX
Watch on Amazon Prime
Justified is in my top 5 TV show dramas of all-time. Nearly every facet of this show is award-worthy from the acting performances to the writing to the opening theme.
➡️STORY: Raylon Givens is a federal marshall who is reassigned to his home state of Kentucky. He must deal with the problems coming out of his hometown area in the poor mining towns.

➡️CHARACTERS: Any above satisfactory show has an excellent cast, and this one is no exception. We have Timothy Olyphant as Raylon (Emmy Nominee), Walton Goggins as Boyd (Emmy Nominee), Nick Searcy as Art, Joelle Carter as Ava, Jacob Pitts as Tim, Natalie Zea as Winona, Jeremy Davis as Dickie (Emmy Winner), Damon Herriman as Dewey, Margot Martindale as Mags (Emmy Winner), and Kaitlyn Dever as Loretta just to name a few.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time in this article to go through all of the exceptional performances listed above. It's really worth watching the show just for that aspect alone.
The consistent work of Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins and their chemistry is masterly. This cannot be stressed enough. There are plenty of great duos on television, but this is one of the best. What makes it more remarkable is that they are opposites with Boyd being Raylan's antagonist. I can't believe neither ever won the Emmy. It's a crime.
Both have huge character arcs especially Boyd. You'll have to take that at my word because the clip below is from season 1 with no spoilers. There are *many *many *many moments in the show that are award-worthy, but take this for now! (Remember it's a drama)
➡️THEMES: This show housed several themes throughout its tenure, but some are constant. Some of the main ones are loyalty and betrayal, family devotion, revenge and hometown devotion. That last one is especially interesting as time goes on. Do we give up on our home after it is gone through so much turmoil?
