Sound of Freedom is a movie that came out of nowhere shocking the box office. With only a $14.5 million budget, the film has garnered nearly $85 million in two weeks. I saw it two weeks after its opening, and the room was packed out. What's the story, and why are people coming out?

How did it come about?
The answer is not easily. This movie was finished filming in 2018. The distribution rights were sold to 20th Century Fox who were swiftly bought by Disney soon after. Disney shelved the project... Why? We can only speculate. Maybe it was simply an oversight, or maybe it was something more.
It's not a secret that Disney is having an identity crisis on who they want their audience to be. I'm not saying it was nefarious, but it makes you wonder. Angel Studios ended up getting the movie after 5 years of the producers battling Disney.
What is the story?
This film is based on a true story about a disturbing reality. There are more slaves today than at any other time in history (even more than American slavery), and millions of them are children. Jim Caviezel, most known for Passion of the Christ, stars as Tim Ballard. He's a Homeland Security agent tasked with taking down pedophiles, but a case compels him to travel to Columbia, fight the source, and rescue the children.

This film is heavy. Be warned, but don't let that stop you. The message is incredibly important. It's an uncomfortable subject, yet it is still true. The problem isn't gone. People of all shapes, sizes, male and female, all participate in trafficking. The film shows this and how trafficking works.
In this depiction, a woman is a "talent agent" who convinces several kids to be brought for tryouts and ends up taking them. The many ways are absolutely deplorable. Sound of Freedom shows those ways and ways that pedophiles are brought down too.
You will feel some emotions. If you're easily a cryer, be ready. If you're not, you'll still feel something.

There's an important component of the real story that I think is overlooked in the script. They briefly mention Ballard's Christian faith and the importance of his wife encouraging him. In over 2 hours, you'd think they could have made that work. The line "God's children aren't for sale" is very good, but they still could've emphasized it more.
Cinematically, the movie is exceptional. This includes acting, directing, production design, cinematography, and more. Caviezel gives a compassionate performance as Tim Ballard. You can tell this isn't just a job for him. He believes in the mission of the movie. They want it to be the "21st century Uncle Tom's Cabin."

You can tell the cinematographer put real effort into this project. Many low-budget flicks just get the shot and move on but not this one. Combine this with realistic sets, and it's an enjoyable watch.
Sound of Freedom made more money in its second weekend which is unheard of, but it was for a good reason. This story and message are so important. Human trafficking has already surpassed arms dealing and will likely pass drug trafficking in the future unless something is done.
This issue should jump to the top of international cooperation. Remember, hope is never gone, and "God's children are not for sale."
I highly encourage everyone to go watch this movie and be informed.
My film rating is an A-.