The 3rd of 5 installments of the POTC franchise and Director Gore Verbinski's last Pirates film went for a full-on adventure. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) is the definition of an epic. If you don't remember this flick very well, read below and be convinced to observe it again! Spoilers will follow.

STORY: Our heroes must rescue Jack from Davy Jones Locker so that pirate-kind can make one last stand against the East India Trading Company's war on their lives.
Let's discuss the biggest criticism from reviewers. The Rotten Tomatoes consensus claims it "mixes in too many characters with too many incomprehensible plot threads." Sure...if you aren't paying attention. Yes, I am making fun of them. It's complicated, but every plot point is answered. The script is the opposite of incomprehensible. It's actually very witty. The banter between characters is marvelous among other things.

Also, a quality script doesn't require exposition, and this film has none which is great. Maybe that's why some critics don't understand the plot? A complicated narrative that fully explains its story through character dialogue is great, and you can't change my mind. Plus, every character's motivations are in line with their progressions.
The three main characters of Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, and Will Turner are tragic heroes. Drake brother Logan helped explain it, so I'll paraphrase the best I can. Read next to the parrots.

🦜Jack Sparrow: For several years, he's been chasing what he desires making horrible deals, and he still can't achieve greatness. He's lied and cheated his way to becoming a famous pirate but at what cost? To finally become infamous, he must become immortal. Right when he's about to achieve this feat, he must give the gift away to save Will. Then, he loses his ship and all of his loyal pirates leave his behind.

🦜Elizabeth Swann: Her life completely changes, but not all for the worst. She learns to fight for herself and become an adventurer. She finally marries the love of her life...only to lose it. Will has to be the new Flying Dutchman captain, so she can only be with her new lover once every ten years.

🦜Will Turner: Will may be the most tragic of the three. He's not a very happy dude. He has an obsessive personality. First, it was about saving Elizabeth and then his father. Although Will didn't want to be a pirate originally, he certainly embraces the swashbuckling lifestyle quickly. With considerable decisions comes substantial consequences. He chooses the uncertain life of being on the run. He's warned by the goddess lady that "There's always has to be a captain." That's how he saves his father at a huge cost. He can only see Elizabeth once every ten years until the end of time. That's tragic.

What else is great? The cinematography is exceptional. Bill Pope may gave been nominated if not for it being 2007. Some excellent camera work happened that year. Go look it up after this. Particularly, the boat passing through icy waters looked transcendent, and then there's the maelstrom scene. There's a tracking shot that you just need to see towards the end of this clip, so watch it below.
Speaking of the maelstrom sequence, the action is spectacular throughout. Even the harsh critics agree on this point. The final battle has it all. Others include the fight in Singapore and more.

Something else to mention is the seamless blend of practical effects and CGI. For instance, a shadow of the Black Pearl may have been real models cast. Davy Jones still looks disgustingly great today. The tentacles are always moving but not too much. In many modern films, they'll give too much expression to animal-like faces making you remember it's fake whereas POTC does not do so.
Also, I've got to mention the famously iconic film composition from Hans Zimmer. This needs to be said too. One of the pirate lords says "So, we shall go to war" in a high pitched voice, and it kills Logan and me every time.

Wow, this article is getting a little long, so I'm going to cut it off here. Maybe you don't remember the 3rd film being as good, but you should! Hopefully, today's article points out why, so go watch it today!!! My film rating is an A.