Pet Sematary (1989) is a film from the mind of Stephen King. This spooky movie follows a family who has just moved into their new rural home. However, the road is oft driven on by tractor-trailers, and this proves to be deadly. Read here for the review! Spoilers may follow.

The hands-down best part of the film is Jud (Fred Gwynne). This is the character that's parodied all over media including popular shows like South Park. He deserves this treatment. Jud is written well. Really it may be that the actor brought the words to life better than King himself could write. Ever heard the line "Sometimes dead is better"? This is what it's from. The actual pet sematary set is as eerie you could hope. Even though it's not the place that's "sour", it still made me incredibly uneasy.

Let me say that I love cats, but this cat (Church) freaked me out. Church comes back from the dead, and he isn't quite the same. If the indian burial ground affects animals this way, how would it change a human? It's interesting that the original man to come back was violent yet not murderous. When little Gage rises from the dead, it's brutal.

This was my first viewing of Pet Sematary, and it was a mix. Jud's character satisfied all my anticipations. Other parts didn't as much. Even though Stephen King himself wrote the screenplay, it was off at times. A couple of lines seemed out of place, and there wasn't any artistic reason behind the words. The ghost man was never really explained about the forces combating each other. It's fine to be aloof, but I don't like the way it is done. The sister story of the wife is weird and not introduced well. Also, some editing choices were strange. One of the biggest moments is the death of Gage on the road. What should have been a bitter moment is taken away to me. I don't want to classify the dad's (Dale Midkiff) reaction as comical, but it seemed that way.

Overall, it is a decent movie that's worth a view. Some fine acting in Jud helps make the movie memorable. Overall, my movie rating is C+.