Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009) is definitely an interesting movie. I'm not going to tell you it's one of the best comedies, but I'm not saying it's bad. For better or worse, the director knew exactly what kind of film this would be. It is up to you to decide how it makes you feel. Maybe I'll persuade you one way or the other, so read here!

Kevin James is good as our heroin Paul Blart. This father is trying to make a better career by becoming a state trooper, but his low sugar keeps getting in the way. Black Friday is here, and the mall is taken over by robbers. James is funny. He doesn't do the comedian type stuff but more situational. A lot of it is awkward humor too. By that, I mean moments like when he gets drunk accidentally is rubbing some dudes ear. That was awkward just to type out.

Obviously, the weight factor plays a role in the comedy. One funny moment is where he tries to slide behind a plant but can't make it all the way. Another moment that's funny is when he distracts a villain by hitting him with hot sauce. Unfortunately, he stands there excited that it worked and did not even tackle him. Also, whenever he talked to Pahud (Adhir Kalyan), it was incredibly funny.

A good actress in the movie is Jayma Mays. She doesn't do many roles, but she does well here. Her character is simply the love interest. She gives off the girl-next-door vibe which is the point I believe so good casting.
