Hot Rod (2007) is a film you probably haven't heard of before, but I'm going to relay why you should watch it! *SPOILER FREE*

Amateur stuntman Rod Kimble is continually trying to win over his stepfather's respect (by fighting him every week and continually losing) when his stepfather suddenly needs a heart transplant. Rod decides to jump 15 buses to raise the money... so he can finally beat him.

The best way I've heard this film described is as a "fever dream", but I don't mean with hallucinations and vivid colors. I describe it as the fever dream of a common person. It's the situations the characters create and find themselves apart of.

Examples include the crew dancing to music in a parking lot, Rod tumbling down a cliff forever, missing several stunt jumps, singing to stuffed animals, Rod being used as a piñata, and holding Rod underwater for training purposes and almost dying.

Speaking of that last example, this film has some quotable moments. The line I'll single out is "Pools are perfect for holding water." That may not seem very funny to you, but it made me, my friend and my girlfriend laugh out loud. She and I can't stop repeating it, so that may have changed our lives forever. Someone asks them if they want kool-aid, and they yell "Just bring it out! Don't even ask!" I really encourage you to watch the movie for context and see what I mean!

Also, the cast is exceptional for a small budget weird film. Andy Samberg highlights as the stuntman Rod Kimble. His crew includes Bill Hader as Dave, Danny McBride as Rico, Jorma Taccone as Kevin, and Isla Fisher as Denise. Don't forget about the dumb boyfriend who is played by Will Arnett. All of them are great. Just writing about this makes me laugh.
