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"Evil Dead 2 (1987)": Freaky Campy Cult Hit

Writer: Brady DrakeBrady Drake

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

Evil Dead 2 (1987) is a deranged cult hit horror-comedy. This strange film will make you just as uncomfortable as much as you chuckle. I'll leave out some spoilers for curious ones who dare to go down the rabbit hole, so let's go!

Bruce Campbell is our heroin. No other actor could have played this part better than him I believe. He played up the campy bit to perfection. The most hotly debated question about this movie is if it's a sequel or remake? You may wonder why a movie with "2" in it is debated, but it is.

The story is the same as Ash (Bruce Campbell) going to a cabin and finding the book of the dead while others are massacred by demons. In the words of Ash himself, it's a "REQUEL". Director Sam Raimi (Tobey Maguire Spiderman Trilogy) was not given the rights from the original studio. They told the story again in a different feel and context, and Campbell believes Ash was literally knocked into the same cycle again because he won in the first movie (interview here).

That's why his memory is shot. The third installment directly correlates to the second movie and the show (Ash vs the Evil Dead which can be found on Netflix) does to all of them.

Ash has to fight the deadites at the cabin after reading from the book of the dead. They pose serious challenges because they can look like people he knows. An infamous scene involves the cellar. It slowly lifts up to reveal a deadite in an iconic moment. Other campy moments involve his own hand flipping him off and attacking. Another is a deadite dancing outside while he watches just to name a few.

Personally, the most memorable part of the movie may be the camera work. Specifically, I mean when you are the vantage point of the deadites. The camera quickly moves through the woods with the wind rushing until you see the target. However, we can't forget the chainsaw arm as shown below. Pretty cool, right?

Overall, it's a strange, campy, gory, and creepy movie that draws you in. You should see how Ash handles the night! My movie rating is A-.

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