This article comes from Daniel Martinez who is a longtime friend and an original DBB reader. Buckle up, and get ready for this original list!

10. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008): That's right. I actually like a good romantic comedy even though I had no idea it was a romantic comedy, but I do actually like this movie. Great chemistry from Michael cera and Kat Dennings. Both are great and funny together. Heck, even their friends are funny too. It's a great movie for couples out there that even the fellas can enjoy. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

9. The Conjuring (2013): I thought no other horror movie could scare me because it's usually masked killers or crazy ghost cliches, but the director of this movie, James wan, just knows how to scare me. From his first movie Saw (the only good one) to Insidious, which is a PG-13 scary movie that I thought would be lame but was actually creepy and scary, to my favorite The Conjuring. I just love the acting and of course the music. That can bring chills to you in every scene. This is a great movie by James Wan which started the whole Conjuring movie universe, and even the spin-offs are good. James Wan is the best horror movie director in my opinion which is a fact.

8. Hot Rod (2007): This daring stuntman who is trying to raise money for his dying step dad just so he can fight him and win sounds dumb. However, just watch it, and you won't regret it. Andy Samberg gives an awesome comedic performance along with co stars Bill Hader and Danny McBride. A hilarious part I love is how he introduces his crew to his crush, and let's not forget the whiskey scene where he goes downhill. This is part of his training process. Honestly, this movie might be underrated because nobody quotes this it a lot. It's sad because pretty much every line is funny.

7. Coco (2017): This movie made me feel proud to be Mexican. Pixar nailed the culture of the Day of the Dead. Honestly, this is the most relatable Disney movie ever to me, and it made me miss my family who I lost. It also makes me appreciate the family I have today. This really is a movie anyone can enjoy like my other second family the Drakes who adopted me lol (long story for another time), but yeah I love how each character reminds me of someone in my family. Some are my hardworking dad, loving mom and my grandmother who just wont stop feeding me even if I say I'm full. It did bring me fear of the chancla (sandal) because if you were a bad kid growing up that was a Mexican mother's weapon of choice to punish their child. Seriously, I don't care who you are and no matter what race you will enjoy this movie with your family and friends.

6. THE FLUFFY MOVIE (2014): Maybe this is just a stand-up special, but it did have a theatrical release across the country. Yeah I'm counting this as one the best movies of all time. Unlike all of the other movies on this list, this is a movie with no special fx, no music/score, or any of that stuff. It's just a man with a microphone, and the man's name is Gabriel Iglesias, aka FLUFFY. I do recommend you see his other stand up special just so you can know Gabriel a bit better. Even if you don't, this movie will make you laugh and cry. Gabriel Iglesias gives an amazing performance on stage telling you what's been going on with his life like losing weight, hanging out with his step son, and meeting his dad for the first time since he walked out on him as a kid. Somehow he finds a way to make a sad moment in his life funny. He knows how to relate to you, and you can relate to him too. He is truly the best comedian ever. He knows how to take you on his journey with great voice impressions and sounds. You will love his storytelling and comedy. Trust me. If you're just having a bad day, watch his comedy for a great laugh and a better time.

5. Furious 7 (2015): Hard to believe that this amazing action movie could make me cry, but it did. I love this cast of diverse actors like Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Dwayne johnson, and the late great Paul Walker. Even though this movie was directed by a horror movie director, James Wan, he can also make an awesome action movie. He does a great comic book movie like Aquaman too. James Wan is just a great director. He really impressed me with this movie. I thought he wouldn't be good for this franchise, but he proved me wrong. This movie became a billion dollar hit within the first week of release. He clearly knows how to do action like Paul Walker running up a bus and Michelle Rodriguez' incredible fight scene with Ronda Rousey. Also, there is great comic relief from Tyrese Gibson. I like how the chemistry is great between these actors even though Paul Walker passed away mid-production during the movie. Shout out to his real life brother Cody Walker who stepped in keeping it in the family. The movie is about family by completing the rest of Paul Walker's scene. The reason I cried is because of the heartwarming tribute they did at the end for paul walker. You will tear up too.

4. Spider-Man (2002): How can I say this without being biased because he is my favorite superhero. I just love the comic and cartoons and especially the video games. This movie right here is the reason why I love superheroes, and Spider-Man is the greatest ever. FACT!! Tobey Maguire is a great Peter Parker and a great Spider-Man. He knows the character and does it justice. Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin is an awesome scary villain. He gives Joker a run for his insanity. Let's not forget "with great power comes great responsibility." Spiderman really is an inspiration.

3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018): I think the reason why I love and enjoy this movie is because I got to see this movie with my son Noah. His mom won't let him see many movies because a PG-13 rating is too much for the little guy lol. I'm so glad Sony decided to make an animated movie based on spidey but instead of peter parker is Miles Morales. Honestly, it's just great to see a Hispanic/Latino super hero on the big screen. Of course this movie is just incredible visually. It's not regular 3D Pixar animation, and it looks like a real comic book. Of course I love the Easter eggs like the Chance the Rapper poster you see in Miles' bedroom. There's a great nod to the PS4 spiderman suit you see in the spidey cave. When Miles is on his phone, you see a contact that says B. Bendis which is a nod to Brian Michael Bendis who is the creator of Miles Morales. The cast for this movie is spectacular including Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld, Nicholas Cage, Kimiko Glenn, and of course John Mulaney. There is awesome action, awesome story, and an amazing message that anyone can be a hero no matter who or what you are.

2. Spider-Man Homecoming (2017): When Kevin Feige announced that Spider-Man was coming to the MCU, I thought it was the best news ever. I was happy but at the same time worried because I grew up seeing Tobey Maguire then seeing Andrew Garfield. It had me thinking. Could this actually be rushed? I saw spidey in Captain America: Civil War being played by new guy Tom Holland and even he was only in it for 15 minutes, but he made an amazing first impression. He was awkward like spidey in the comics and funny as soon as he put the mask on just how he is supposed to be. Then he gets his own movie known as Spider-Man: Homecoming which is fitting because he is finally with Marvel. This movie just does everything right like showing off his strength, genius brain, and having him in high school where he first got his powers. Smart move from Kevin feige in not showing his origins (take note zack snyder). Even the cast is awesome. I love the diversity from Zendaya and Jacob. I think Tom Holland does a better job as Spider-Man. He captures the awkwardness of Peter Parker and cracks a joke while fighting the villains which is something that Tobey Maguire lacked. Again, sorry to those Maguire fan boys, but Tom Holland is the most comic accurate Spider-Man to me.
