With the third installment coming out, Bad Boys (1995) becomes the next movie review. Some action junkies consider this franchise to be top-notch while others feel the opposite. Read here to decide for yourself!

Will Smith (Mike Lowrey) and Martin Lawrence (Marcus Burnett) co-star as two Miami cops. Lots of illegal drugs pass through Miami, and they have to stop it. Their biggest coke bust is stolen right out of the prescient, so they must find it fast to save the department.

It's certainly not the best cop duo put to film, but it's decent. Lawrence plays the anxious family man while Smith plays the suave playboy cop. There's enough uniqueness between the two to make some decent cinema.

An actress to remember is Tea Leoni as Julie Mott. She unexpectedly becomes the main woman. This is probably the best writing in the movie because they set up another girl as Smith's potential love interest. *Spoiler Alert* She is shot setting up Leoni's storyline instead. After this plot point, there's nothing else that really stands out.

Say what you want about Michael Bay. He knows how to direct action. Using real explosions always is better than not when possible. The shootouts are exceptional, and Will Smith's chase scene is fun to watch.
There's not much I would say is bad in this but average instead. Lots of action films come out every year and not many make it to sequels. I will give it that including getting another movie several years later. There are enough fans to desire such.
