Iron Man (2008) started the Marvel Cinematic Universe eleven years ago, and it's still one of the best MCU films. Many people were confused about why Iron Man was the inaugural movie, but Kevin Feige knew exactly what he was doing. It started one of the most prominent modern franchises. Read here why it sits at number four! Spoilers may follow.

Robert Downey Jr. was a casting choice many questioned. He had not done much yet since his rehab stint. However, it still stands as the best casting choice of all Marvel features. He is Iron Man. Once his tenure is done (which I feel will happen with Avengers: Endgame), the suit should be retired much like sports teams do with jersey numbers. The plot is one I was unfamiliar with prior to watching the movie. Tony Stark is a weapons maker, and he is the best. He does a demonstration in the middle east, but he is captured afterward. He has shrapnel in his heart, and this device is the only thing stopping his death.

The director, Jon Favreau, perfectly directs some intense scenes including Stark's captivity. If it had been made today versus 2008, I believe too many jokes would be throughout this part. In my opinion, it had a perfect balance, and I wouldn't change a thing.
It's not that this movie is flashy or world-changing. It's that it is smooth and has everything you want in a movie. Stark's process of creating the suit is fun to watch and believable. You can see how he could have actually created such a suit. The relationship between Pepper Potts and Tony Stark is done very well. You see them go from professional colleagues to the couple. There is a lot more I could put, but I will stop here.
