Here's a count down of MCU films from last to first. Iron Man 3 (2013) finds itself last on my list of the MCU. It would be impossible to discuss this movie without spoilers throughout so be prepared. With so many great actors, a fine director and momentum, what happened?

First, let's list some good things in the movie. Robert Downey Jr. is still Iron Man and always will be no matter what happens. None of the actors was a problem. In fact, the ensemble was impressive. The list includes Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Ben Kingsley, and Rebecca Hall, then Shane Black is the director with films on record including Lethal Weapon and The Nice Guys. Unfortunately, just Black's past credits land him in the positive section. Other than these things, the cinematography was adequate and so was the CGI.

Next, be prepared for a longer section listing the negative aspects of the movie. Almost all the problems in the picture result from poor scriptwriting. Shane Black, also the director, and Drew Pearce wrote the movie. So many jokes fell flat on their face. Most Marvel movies have a couple of bad jokes, but this one cannot seem to go a single scene without some useless unfunny one-liner.

The suit falling apart lost its quip after the first hundred times, but that's not the worst part. The worst is "the plot twist". Sometimes it makes sense to change a character. Sometimes it's for the story and makes sense. Sometimes it's for selfish reasons though. They used Iron Man's arch-nemesis, The Mandarin, as a cheap one-off joke. He's just some stupid actor posing as the terrorist. It sucks more because they had a world-class actor in Ben Kingsley playing him. Unfortunately, this bad decision is enough for my rating later on.

The real reason this movie had financial success was that it was the first picture after Marvel's Avengers. I saw it in theaters myself. Nothing else can explain the decent critic ratings. For me personally, this is the only MCU movie so far that I would not recommend. It had some pleasant moments, but it's okay if you don't see it. Expect happier articles here on out for Marvel films. My movie rating is an F.