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22. "Avengers: Age of Ultron": Okay, good or great?

Writer: Brady DrakeBrady Drake

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) is the second Avengers movie made. The hype the first movie generated was hard to match, and Age of Ultron had a lot to live up too. Did it live up to its predecessor? Spoilers will follow.

This movie centers around Ultron, an artificial intelligence robot, who was created by Tony Stark. The idea is to create something that will fight all of our wars for us, but something goes wrong of course. The Avengers must again figure out how to save the world.

There are several quality parts in this film. To start out, the storyline is interesting. Ultron is supposed to be the savior of humanity but only seeks to destroy it, so Stark and Banner create Vision to combat this mistake. It certainly had all the makings of an exciting movie. As usual with MCU movies, the acting was pretty good. They continue to juggle a large ensemble cast better than most studios can.

Also like most Marvel films, the production was well done. The movie took place in several locations around the globe with a realistic effect. Although the pause between Vision picking up Thor's hammer feels like a decade has passed, it still lands enough to stay in the positive section. Several other smaller things contributed to the movie as well including editing, cinematography, and more.

Now, let us look at the negative parts of the movie. To me, the worst part has to be a continuity problem created by Josh Whedon and his quest to make Banner and Romanoff a couple. This ignores crucial parts of Bruce Banner's story from his own first movie. Betty Ross is still part of this universe. Her father makes an appearance in a couple more movies too. There is no way that Banner is still not in love with Betty. He spent years on the run, and he still loved her. It is so frustrating that this terrible and stupid new plot was introduced. It throws away one of the most intriguing parts about the Hulk storyline like it is just some trash. Alright, that rant is over.

The other problem I had is the line from Ultron "O for the love of God" that happens right after Quicksilver dies. They ruin a serious moment for a quick joke. This is not the last time Marvel ruins a serious moment (foreshadow for Thor: Ragnarok~ click here for that).

Overall, this is still a decent movie. When you think about it, this movie affects much of the MCU. Iron Man and Captain America fall out hard because of certain plot points. I definitely won't forget that. While My movie rating is C+.



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