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2."Avengers: Infinity War": Cosmic Game-Changing Film *REVISED EDITION*

Writer: Brady DrakeBrady Drake

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

Thoughts from Drake Brothers Logan and Brady

After viewing Avengers: Infinity War (2018) again, it's time for a newly revised film review. You can see above that it is already highly thought of being #2 in the rankings. Read here to know why it's not just an exceptional Marvel entry but an all-around superb movie for the decade/ever (top 60 for 2010s~ see that list here).

This film has numerous other movies leading up to this epic part 1 of the eventual end. That's a lot of pressure, and it does not disappoint. The opening is terrifying and not really in a good way (which is actually a compliment). Bodies are on the floor while a crazy lunatic spouts off deranged sermons about how grateful you should be for dying.

Also, in the beginning, the death toll begins. Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Heimdall (Idris Elba) fall victim to the mighty Thanos. If you weren't sure he was a bad guy yet, you got your answer. Thanos really is the main character of this movie because everything centers around what he does next. Josh Brolin, as the pivotal character, provides brilliant motion capture work to finally bring this villain to the screen, so bravo to the casting director.

Here's an important question... How did the Russo Brothers make Thanos sympathetic? That's hard. The titan destroys half of all worlds he invades. It somehow happens, even though it's twisted, to be understandable due to his home planet perishing. He sees this as righteous genocide asked of him by the universe. He's "correcting" the galaxy himself because no one else is strong enough to do so. Seriously, congrats to the Russo Brothers for somehow managing a film with so many actors, storylines and everything else thrown at you.

Some people ask "Why did Captain America (Chris Evans) not play a bigger part?" The story doesn't call for it. Characters like Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), and Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) have more important aspects. To us, it's especially Gamora. The daughter of Thanos could have run and hidden her valuable information, but she's a noble hero now. She's going to try and stop Thanos.

That moment where Quill (Chris Pratt) points the gun at Gamora and pulls the trigger is heartbreaking. He was actually going to kill her like she asked but couldn't. Remember this, that's the last time Gamora and Quill saw each other. To leave it that way... Of course, we know what happens later with the soul stone. It's another somber moment as Thanos burdensomely throws her off the ledge. The toll rises.

With any popular film, you hear criticisms. Some are understandable, yet some can be explained. A common one we've heard is Quill punching Thanos is a plot hole. First, a plot hole is only a plot hole if it makes zero sense for the character. Quill lost his mother, his adoptive father and had to kill his real father. Then, he hears the person he loves is dead too. It's not a stretch to say he's going to be emotional, so yes it makes sense.

*New/Not Heard Before Opinion*

I (Brady) don't believe Quill actually affected getting Thanos' glove off. While Mantis's hands came off him, he was still under. Stark did take his hands off the glove, but it's not like he was strong enough for this even with his suit. Only Spider-Man (Tom Holland) could do it, and it was close. Thanos does break free, but it was after some more time passed in his trance so... He was going to anyways! Watch the scene again for yourselves, and see if you understand me. As Dr. Strange said, "There's only one way."

The Battle of Wakanda is epic filmmaking. A horde of screeching aliens whose only intent is to kill is chilling. The timing, directing, writing, CGI and everything else is great here. That goes for the rest of the movie too.

Also, a normal human would feel something seeing Peter fall into the arms of Stark struggling to cope with his impending passing. Anyone who has kept up with the series knows they earned this scene. These characters deserved the moment. Another character to mention is Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) who goes through a lot like doing what Quill tried to do.

Again, we can't stress how difficult of a job doing this was. How many directors or producers could accomplish this massive feat? Even some renowned people couldn't have. It's one of the best movies of the decade and of all time. That's deserved high praise. Our movie rating is A+.



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