Whiplash (2014) is a superb film from Damien Chazelle. This movie has been an instant favorite of mine since I first saw it, and here is why. Spoilers may follow.

Miles Teller plays a freshman starting at Shaffer School of Music in New York City. He wants to be the best drummer of all time but must overcome his demanding professor, played by J.K. Simmons, to achieve this goal. If you are a jazz music fan then this is perfect for you. Even if you are not, it is still a great movie to watch.

Countless things are excellent in this movie. Let's start with the directing. Chazelle's passion project was La La Land, so it is crazy that Whiplash was more of a filler movie. Every single scene is directed flawlessly especially the last scene which I will get to shortly. Teller plays an excellent lead providing emotion and believability. Melissa Benoist is great at her role as the love interest as well. However, J.K. Simmons was a star and won an Oscar for his role. The hard-nosed professor who pushes his students to the brink of collapse is played perfectly. I am not sure another actor could have done the role just like he did. Being a trumpet player myself, I love the music. Jazz was always my favorite style, so this picture is a real treat. You do not need to be a music wiz to appreciate it all. Let's list some of the other things that are excellent: film editing, sound mixing, cinematography, and so much more.

Spoilers are here. The final scene deserves it's own paragraph. Teller's character thinks he is playing some music from his old school after being disgraced and leaving. However, Simmon's character set him up, and he purposefully chose different music. After considering leaving, Teller decides to take his fate into his own hands and just starts to play. This part is several minutes of just a drum solo. Everything is shot so flawlessly. I did not move while watching this. You become drawn in and feel the tenseness felt by everyone at the theatre watching him play.
