This article isn't an in-depth study but an overview on why you should consider watching:
John Adams (20008)
Mini-Series, 7 Episodes
Made by HBO
Watch on HBO Max
A few years ago I read the book "John Adams" penned by David McCullough. It's a biography spanning the life of the founding father. Mr. Adams is an underappreciated member whose work was crucial, maybe the most crucial, to the founding of our country. This Emmy and Golden Globe winning series shares his story.

If you ask most citizens to name the founding fathers, I'd wager that John Adams is left off many lists. Many history textbooks focus more on the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. They are very important, but the American Revolution probably would not have happened without Mr. Adams. This show depicts his importance in impressive fashion.
➡️ STORY: Follow John Adams over 50 years from the American Revolution to become the 2nd president of the United States.

➡️ Characters: Paul Giamatti won for his portrayal of Mr. Adams and justly so. This is a premier role for his resume to be proud of exhibiting. He portrays him exactly how I imagined him from reading the book. Adams is exceptionally educated, short of temper, and a patriot. He's never usually the most liked man in the room, but he may be the brightest and most passionate. Sometimes this gets him into trouble.

How about another Emmy winner for Laura Linney as Abigail Adams? Mrs. Adams has the ear of her husband and frequently makes suggestions. She's intelligent and protective of her family making the best of less than grand situations. It's a well-deserved achievement, but we aren't done yet. Tom Wilkerson won for portraying Benjamin Franklin. It's another deserved win for this show.
Other characters to watch for include Stephan Dillane as Thomas Jefferson and David Morse as George Washington.

➡️ Costumes and Art Direction: Having all actors and actresses dressed in late 1700s attire while walking through 1700s America is challenging and a film killer if done poorly. John Adams is sensational is this aspect. I watched a "making of", and I was impressed with the effort and preparation.

➡️ Themes and What I Took Away: If you don't take away patriotism then what were you watching? However, it's not blind patriotism. This show accurately reflects the harsh realities of the Revolution. There were a plethora of times it almost didn't happen, and we see several issues arise. Think of our "finger-pointing" culture today in media where politicians lie about each other even though we can go back and watch a video proving it's a lie. Well, the lies were just as vicious in the 1700s, but there was no way to quickly correct the record.

What I take away is that the American Revolution was difficult and seemed hopeless at times but necessary. It wasn't a bunch of people politely deliberating in a room. We lost lives, friendships, family, and much more. This quote says a lot from Mr. Adams.
"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.”

Wow. We certainly have that right today.