October Sky (1999) is a true American story of overcoming grave odds. A small coal-mining town in West Virginia in 1957 seems to keep people trapped there. Unless you get a football scholarship, your likelihood of leaving vanishes. Read here for the review! Spoilers may follow.

Homer Hickam, our protagonist, is a real-life man played by a young Jake Gyllenhaal. He does an excellent job in his role as well as the other rocket boys. Another fine performance comes from Chris Cooper. He plays Homer's father. This is the kind of role he is routinely known for as being a hard-headed man, and he does a favorable job. Also, Laura Dern as the teacher is exceptional.

The pacing and writing are the strongest parts of the movie. This coupled well with the cinematography. Homer watches Sputnik clear the star-filled sky, and he gains inspiration. However, the second time he views the satellite is dispiriting. He is coerced by life into working for the coal mine. He looks through the top of the coal elevator only to see Sputnik cross the bright sky and then lose sight.

My favorite Jake G. performance!