Lincoln (2012) follows a pivotal point in the president's life as well as the country's. The 13th Amendment passage is an important time in history affecting millions of lives. Watch how it was accomplished in this Steven Spielberg directed film!

First, President Lincoln is portrayed by Daniel Day-Lewis in this Oscar-winning role. No, it's not an American actor portraying this famous American figure, but he was a perfect choice. When I look at the screen, I see Lincoln, not Day-Lewis. It's how I imagine he would actually have been. There are a couple of scenes that illustrate the brilliance involved. Lincoln gives a passionate speech to his cabinet members about no longer delaying the amendment. The time is now he says. You can watch the scene below.

This movie earned 12 nominations for the Academy Awards. That's an incredible number for any film. To me, each is deserved. The production design (won for) transports you to 1865. The cinematography gives the picture a personal feel with many close-up lingering shots. The screenplay is dramatic, humorous, and sentimental. The costumes are era accurate. The musical score provides the desired emotions. In a technical aspect, the film editing and sound mixing are excellent. Tommy Lee Jones and Sally Fields provide splendid supporting acting. Of course, Steven Spielberg is the man, so the directing and Best Picture nomination is well-deserved.

Okay. That was a lot. It's a perfect movie if you're in need of some patriotism. However, it's not blind patriotism. It took a lot of work and convincing to get the 13th Amendment passed. Many people on the other side of the aisle and a few on Lincoln's side needed persuasion. Much of the picture focuses on this story.
While not the focus, we do observe some of the brutality of war. The Civil War was ruthless and barbarous. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting each other and is our country's highest casualty rate.
I highly recommend this movie to all. My film rating is an A.