John Williams is one of the best movie composers to ever live. He has crafted many iconic numbers with numerous nominations and wins. That's 51 Oscar nominations! Also, he has five wins. I have been involved in concert/marching band half my life, so music is important to me in films. The real question is which Williams feat is the best? This article lists my top 7 favorites in no particular order with a link to the score.

Jurassic Park gives me a wonderful feeling every time I hear the song. It's such a sweet song in a violent movie full of dinosaurs. I've been able to play this one in band, and I loved the opportunity. This film does crack my top three movies of all time lists too. Want to know something crazy? 51 nominations for Williams, yet this isn't one of them. However, he still won that year but for Schindler's List (speaking of...).

Schindler's List did win the 1994 Oscars. At first, I didn't think much about this score, but the other two Drake brothers persuaded me otherwise just yesterday. It is humable which is important to me.

The film Jaws makes the list. Many of you already can hear the deep ominous notes symbolizing the shark swimming through the night to an unsuspecting victim. It's the only horror score to make my list. The tones start out slow then increase to the attack. This movie makes my top three movies of all time too. This score won the Oscar.

The Indiana Jones franchise will be remembered forever, and Raiders of the Lost Ark (can read the review here) is in my top three films of all time. I think you can see a trend here that John Williams' scores are part of my favorite movies. When you listen to this score, you want to jump on a plane and traverse through a jungle.

The theme from The Patriot is not widely considered John William's best work. It was nominated but did not win. If you want to feel extremely patriotic then this is the score for you. I find myself humming this theme all the time, and it really deserves more love. Also, you can read my review of this movie here.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a very iconic theme from this century. It took the world by storm with tons of kids and adults alike humming along. This one also received an Oscar nomination but no win. Look for this review coming soon!

This last one is a two-parter due to it being the same franchise. The main Star Wars theme. and "Duel of the Fates" from Star Wars: Episode 1- The Phantom Menace are the songs of choice. The latter is the better of the two to me although "Duel of the Fates" wasn't even nominated and Star Wars won the Oscar. He still was nominated for the year but with Angela's Ashes. People may fight me on that, but I stand by my statement. Seriously, can you hum the Star Wars 7 or 8 Oscar-nominated themes? I didn't think so.

In conclusion, it's extraordinarily difficult to combine such a list, and I'm sure I left off somebody's favorite. Maybe I'll do a Hans Zimmer review in the future...