If you're looking for a low-stakes movie good for some quality laughs, watch Big Daddy (1990). This Adam Sandler flick may not be on the same plane as Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, or The Waterboy, but it is still a desirable comedy. NO SPOILERS.

STORY: A rather lazy law grad is on the ropes with his girlfriend. When a kid gets dropped off at his door, he looks to prove he is responsible by taking care of him.
Before Will Ferrell, there was Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler was the king of comedy in the 90s. His films earned crowds of spectators even if critics refused to give these movies high scores. These movies routinely line tv stations and young high school/college students watch them in droves to this day. By the way, Sandler can do dramatic roles too. He should have been nominated for Uncut Gems in 2019.
