So... Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) is a special brand of comedy. The reviews of this film are mixed, and I completely understand. You need to understand a 10-year-olds sense of humor, and luckily, I can tap into that!

SYNOPSIS: When the Miami Dolphins mascot dolphin goes missing, the police are scrambling to find him in time for the Super Bowl. However, only one man by the name of Ace Venture, Pet Detective can solve this crime.

Jim Carrey is a weird dude. His kooky over the top brand of comedy is on full display. If that's not your cup of tea, you'll hate this movie. If you can enjoy that description, it's for you!
Courtney Cox does her job in this film being the cool-headed character.

To give some examples: Jim Carrey pretends to be a mental patient, throws around a fragile box, and sneaks around like a spy among other things.

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